
Wichtiges für 5.Freies Bergrennen

in Tipps & Tricks zum Bergrennen 23.02.2012 14:56
von Heiko • Rennleiter | 106 Beiträge

Eigentlich wiederhole ich mich ungern, jedoch möchte ich noch einmal alle darauf hinweisen:

!!! Lest euch die Bestimmungen durch !!!
Es kann nicht sein, dass man sich einfach mal anmeldet und liest sich die Bedingungen und Bestimmungen nicht durch. Hey, das ist erst einmal Grundvoraussetzung um sich dann anmelden zu können. Sämtliche Fragen, die ich von meist den neuen Teilnehmern bekomme, beziehen sich auf diese Themen. Ein Zeichen für mich, das es kein Interesse gibt, sich die paar Zeilen durchzulesen. In Zukunft werde/n ich/wir nicht mehr auf diese Fragen antworten.

1/3 des gesamten Schriftverkehrs, geht für solche Fragen drauf. Beim besten Willen, aber so gehts nicht weiter. Durchlesen und nicht überfliegen, dann weiß man, worauf es für eine Teilnahme ankommt!!!

Natürlich muss ich hier auch so manchen Teilnehmer rügen, welcher schon öfters teilgenommen hat. Bestes Beispiel ist der Feuerlöscher, welcher fest im Auto montiert sein sollte. Die Dekra bemängelt dies zu Hauf. Es reicht eben mal nicht, den FL zwischen die Sitze zu klemmen oder mit den 3 Punkt-Gurt fest zu machen. Wer keinen oder einen unzureichend installierten FS hat, kommt dieses Jahr nicht durch die techn. Abnahme.

Genau so ein Problem gibts mit nen passenden Helm. Leute, es geht einfach nicht! Der Helm sollte passen und nicht unter Hochdruck auf den Kopf gepresst werden. Und wenn ich seh, das der Steg eines I-Helmes gerade so unter den Augen anfängt und der Rest unten frei ist, da frag ich mich ob der Teilnehmer bis zum Ziel die Luft anhalten kann? Das gilt natürlich auch für zu große Helme. Also passender Helm und vor allem muss auch der Gurt am Helm zugezogen sein. Denn im Notfall nützt es nix, wenn der Helm sich als erstes vom Körper verabschiedet. Dann könntet ihr ja gleich mit ner Pudelmütze fahren! Leute, das ist eure Sicherheit!!!

Auch hier wird die Dekra bei jeden Teilnehmer den Helm prüfen. Passt der nicht, dann keine techn. Abnahme!

Keine techn. Abnahme bedeutet ab dieses Jahr, das trotz gezahlter Startgebühr keine Teilnahme möglich ist. Und die gibts dann auch nicht zurück!!!

Ihr habt die Möglichkeit, euch über alles was für eine Teilnahme wichtig ist, auf unserer HP zu informieren. Wer das nicht für nötig hält, muss mit den Konsequenzen rechnen.


Denkt daran, jeder Schaden an der Leitplanke wird in diesem Jahr mit 250€ Selbstbeteiligung geahndet! Das ist keine Idee von uns, Extracash zu machen. Die Versicherung hat dies als Klausel für einen neuen Versicherungsvertrag festgelegt.

Im Schadensfall wird die Selbstbeteiligung noch am Rennwochende fällig. Klappt das nicht, dann werden werden wir nicht darum kommen, eine Kaution in Höhe der Selbstbeteiligung in den kommenden Jahren von jeden Teilnehmer zu verlangen.

Ihr bestimmt wie es weiter geht. An uns soll es nicht liegen.

Während aller Läufe sind alle Fenster geschlossen!!! Dies gilt auch für Schiebedächer. Also zum mitmeiseln. Vom Start bis zum Ziel ist alles geschlossen!

Bei der Rückführung geht es ordentlich und gesittet zu ( siehe Durchführungsbestimmungen)!

Zwischen den Läufen verbleibt der Wagen im Fahrerlager oder einen entsprechenden anderen ausgewiesenen Platz! Zwischendurch einkaufen fahren oder die Ortslage als weitere Rennstrecke nutzen ist nicht!

Ortslage Steinbach. Ich weiß nicht, was manche Teilnehmer bei "Ziel" nicht verstehen. In den Durchführungsbestimmungen ist genau beschrieben, wie man sich ab dem Ziel verhalten soll.

Wer auffält, ist raus!!! Das muss ich leider so sagen.

Das sind so die Hauptaugenmerke, welche uns in den letzten Jahren aufgefallen waren. Wir können nur ein seriöses und sicheres Freies Bergrennen bieten, wenn ihr euch alle an die Regeln haltet. Wenns passiert ist, ist es bereits zu spät. Doch so weit wollen wir es nicht kommen lassen, oder?


zuletzt bearbeitet 23.02.2012 14:58 | nach oben springen


RE: Wichtiges für 5.Freies Bergrennen

in Tipps & Tricks zum Bergrennen 23.02.2012 20:43
von stukkialex • # (08) Orga-Team | 45 Beiträge

und da hier ja nicht jeder lesen & schreiben kann oder will ist das ganze auch gleich noch bei facebook on air gegangen ;)
also hinterher bitte nicht beschweren :)

alex ;)

nach oben springen


rg667u fh6l2s5

in Tipps & Tricks zum Bergrennen 02.09.2015 04:36
von Robertsr

If you have {a history|a past|a record} of {diabetes|diabetic issues}, {heart {disease|illness|condition}|heart problem|cardiovascular disease}, heart {rhythm|tempo} {problems|issues|troubles}, {{high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension}, liver {disease|illness|condition}, {high|higher} {cholesterol|cholesterol levels}, {kidney|renal|renal system} {disease|illness|condition}, {a history|a past|a record} of {heart {attack|strike}|cardiovascular disease|cardiac arrest} or {stroke|movement}, {a history|a past|a record} of {low|reduced} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {white blood cell|white cell} counts or {thyroid|thyroid gland} {disorder|condition|ailment}, your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {{need|requirement|demand|necessity} to|have to|should} {{know|understand} {about|regarding|concerning}|learn about|understand about|find out about} those. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {follow|comply with|adhere to} all the {recommendations|suggestions|referrals} of your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {concerning|worrying} your {lifestyle|way of life|way of living}, {diet|diet plan|diet regimen} and {of {course|training|program}|obviously|naturally} taking this #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {medicine|medication}. When {discontinuing|ceasing|terminating|stopping} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {therapy|treatment}, {gradual|progressive|steady} {dose|dosage} {reduction|decrease} is {recommended|suggested|advised} whenever {possible|feasible} to {minimize|reduce|lessen|decrease} discontinuation {symptoms|signs|signs and symptoms} <>see|view} Dosage {and|and also|as well as} Administration (2.4) {and|and also|as well as} {Warnings {and|and also|as well as} Precautions|Precautions {and|and also|as well as} {warnings|cautions|precautions}} (5. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {report|state|mention} {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other}|other} {erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence} {meds|medications}, HIV protease {inhibitors|preventions}, nevirapine, barbiturates, {medications|medicines} for {{high|very high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension}, erythromycin, {certain|specific|particular|different} antifungals, {beta|'beta'} blockers, #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] rifabutin, anticoagulants, efavirenz, seizure {medications|medicines}, bosentan, rifampin, {amlodipine, cimetidine, or alpha|amlodipine, alpha, or cimetidine|cimetidine, amlodipine, or alpha|cimetidine, alpha, or amlodipine|alpha, amlodipine, or cimetidine|alpha, cimetidine, or amlodipine} blockers, {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also} {street|road} {drugs|medicines} {that {contain|include|consist of|have}|which contain|contain} nitrates. Taking {more|even more|additional} of Cymbalta {than|compared to} {needed|required|really needed} {can|could} {produce|create|generate} such {symptoms|signs} as {drowsiness|sleepiness}, {nausea|queasiness}, {vomiting|throwing up|puking}, {hallucinations|aberrations}, seizures, lightheadedness, {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {fever|temperature}, {loss|reduction} of {{coordination|sychronisation}, agitation, and {dizziness|lightheadedness}|{coordination|sychronisation}, {dizziness|lightheadedness}, and agitation|agitation, {coordination|sychronisation}, and {dizziness|lightheadedness}|agitation, {dizziness|lightheadedness}, and {coordination|sychronisation}|{dizziness|lightheadedness}, {coordination|sychronisation}, and agitation|{dizziness|lightheadedness}, agitation, and {coordination|sychronisation}}. You {may|might|could} {need|require|really need} {a lower|a lesser|a reduced} {dose|dosage|amount} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] or {other|various other} {changes|modifications|adjustments} {will|will certainly} be made to your {treatment|therapy|procedure} {schedule|routine|timetable}. Keep your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {updated|upgraded} on the {symptoms|signs} you have, {especially|particularly|specifically} if you {develop|establish|create} such {serious|major|severe|significant} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] ones as {irregular|uneven} {heartbeat|heart beat|pulsation}, {chest|breast|upper body} {pain|discomfort}, {unusual|uncommon} {bleeding|blood loss} or {bruising|wounding|blemishing}, weight gain, {trouble|difficulty|problem} breathing, {swelling|puffinessing} of the {feet or hands|hands or feet}, {sore|aching|wound} {throat|neck}. It's {important|essential|crucial|vital} that you {{show|reveal} up|appear|turn up} for {all of|all|every one of} your {doctor|physician|medical professional}'s {appointments|visits|consultations|sessions} to {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {symptoms|signs} you have #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] are not {serious|major|severe|significant|substantial} and {will|will certainly} not {{get|obtain} {worse|even worse}|become worse|worsen} {over time|in time|gradually}. It {{works|functions} for|helps} such {patients|clients|people} by {causing|triggering|creating|inducing} such {unpleasant|undesirable} {reactions|responses} as {unconsciousness|unfamiliarity}, convulsions, {chest|breast} {pain|discomfort}, {low|reduced} blood {pressure|stress|tension}, thirst, arrhythmias, flushing, {vertigo|dizziness}, {fast|quick|quickly} {heartbeats|heart beats} or {nausea|queasiness}. {Before|Prior to} you {start|begin} taking Antabuse, you {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {let|allow|permit} your #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {doctor|physician|medical professional} {know|understand} if you {have|have actually} or {used|utilized|made use of} to have {kidney|renal|renal system} {disease|illness|condition}, liver {disease|illness|condition}, {diabetes|diabetic issues}, {thyroid|thyroid gland} {disease|illness|condition}, {{mental|psychological} {disorders|conditions|ailments}|mental illness}, seizure {disorder|condition|ailment} or {{brain|mind} {damage|damages}|mental retardation}. Vardenafil (Levitra hydrochloride) is an anti-impotence {mediation|arbitration|intercession|reconciliation} {specially|specifically|particularly} {developed|established|created} for the {treatment|therapy|procedure} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of male impotence, {also|likewise|additionally} {known|understood} under the {name|location|label} {erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence}. Lamivudine Plus Zidovudine: Cross‑resistance {between|in between} lamivudine {and|and also|as well as} zidovudine #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {has|has actually} not been {reported|stated}. Do {not {open|open up}|closed} {a packet|a package} of {oral|dental} granules {until|up until|till} you {are {ready|prepared|all set}|prepare} to {use|utilize|make use of} the #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {medicine|medication}. The {following|complying with|adhering to} {medications|medicines} {can|could} {also|likewise|additionally} {cause|trigger|create|induce} {serious|major|severe|significant} {health|wellness|health and wellness} {reactions|responses} if {combined|incorporated|integrated} with Levitra: heart or blood {pressure|stress|tension} {medications|medicines}, antifungal {medications|medicines}, prostate {disorder|condition|ailment}, antidepressants, diclofenac, imatinib, {drugs|medicines} to {treat|deal with|address|manage} {{high|very high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension}, conivaptan, isoniazid, {antibiotics|prescription antibiotics|anti-biotics}, HIV/AIDS {medicines|medications}, and heart #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {rhythm|tempo} {medicines|medications}. You {will|will certainly} {have to|need to} {start|begin} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] the {treatment|therapy|procedure} after your {have|have actually} {discussed|reviewed} it with your {{health|wellness|health and wellness|safety} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier}. The {doctor|physician|medical professional} {{needs|requires|really needs} to|has to|should} {know|understand} your {full|complete} {{medical|clinical|health care} {history|past|record}|case history} {before|prior to} {prescribing|recommending|suggesting} Sildenafil to {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {will|will certainly} be {beneficial|advantageous|useful|helpful|valuable} for you. All the {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {mentioned|discussed|pointed out|stated} are {generally|typically|normally|usually} {mild|moderate|light} and {{tend|have a tendency|often tend|usually tend} to|have the tendency to|often} {go away|disappear|vanish} after {{a couple|a married couple} of|a few|a number of} {hours|hrs}. {If they {{repeat|duplicate} or {interfere|meddle|conflict}|{interfere|meddle|conflict} or {repeat|duplicate}} with your life {report|record} them to your #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {{health|wellness|health and wellness|safety} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} as your {dose|dosage|amount} {may|might|could} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be {lowered|reduced|decreased} to {eliminate|get rid of|remove|do away with} the {symptoms|signs}. |, if they {repeat {or|duplicate} interfere|interfere {or|duplicate} repeat} {with|meddle|conflict} your {life|meddle|conflict} report {them|duplicate} to your health care {provider|record} as your dose {may|wellness|health and wellness|safety} {need|treatment} {to|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} be lowered {to|dosage|amount} {eliminate|might|could} {the|require|really need} symptoms. You {will|will certainly} {also|likewise|additionally} {{have|have actually} to|need to} be {warned|cautioned|alerted|notified|advised} of {rare|unusual|uncommon} {serious|major|severe|significant} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} like {swelling|puffinessing} of the lips or tongue, {breast|bust|boob} {changes|modifications|adjustments}, nipple {discharge|release}, {breast|bust|boob} {lumps|swellings}, hives, {swelling|puffinessing} of the face, #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {trouble|difficulty|problem} breathing, {pain|discomfort} or closing of the {throat|neck}. You {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {be {careful|cautious|mindful}|beware} with {combining|incorporating|integrating} ampicillin with {other|various other} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {medicines|medications}, such as atenolol, Allopurinol, chloroquine, mefloquine. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {combine|incorporate|integrate} one {primary|main|key} and one {secondary|second} {method|technique|approach|procedure} of {birth|childbirth} {control|command}. {Primary|Main|Key} {methods|techniques|approaches|procedures} {include|consist of|feature} {vasectomy|birth control}, tubal ligation or intrauterine {device|system|gadget|tool}, {estrogen|oestrogen} {containing|including|consisting of|having} {hormonal|hormone} {patches|spots|areas}, implants, vaginal {rings|bands|wedding bands}, while the most {common|typical|usual} {secondary|second} {methods|techniques|approaches|procedures} are {condoms|prophylactics}, cervical cap {along with|in addition to|together with} spermicidal foam or gel, vaginal sponge with spermicide, or #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {a diaphragm|a birth control}. {Taking St. The {medicine|medication} is {a synthetic|an artificial} antiandrogen that {inhibits|prevents|hinders} an enzyme {{responsible|accountable|liable} for|in charge of|tasked with} {converting|transforming|changing} {testosterone|androgen hormone or testosteron} {into|in to} dihydrotestosterone #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] (DHT). {Note|Keep in mind}: This {page|web page} {contains|includes|consists of|has} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects} {data|information} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] for the {generic|common|universal} {drug|medicine|medication} enalapril. You {will|will certainly} {have to|need to} {consult|speak with|get in touch with|seek advice from|speak to} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {a doctor|a physician|a medical professional} to see which {dose|dosage|amount} of Sildenafil you {will|will certainly} {{benefit|profit|reward} from|take advantage of|profit from|gain from}. The following ones {have|have actually} been {reported|stated|mentioned} to {cause|trigger|create|induce} {interactions|communications}: imatinib, diclofenac, {{high|very high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension} {meds|medications}, antidepressants, {antibiotics|prescription antibiotics|anti-biotics}, heart #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] or blood {pressure|stress|tension} {medications|medicines}, HIV/AIDS {medicines|medications}, isoniazid, and antifungal {medications|medicines}. Eye {allergy|allergic reaction} ({more|even more} {formally|officially} called {ocular|eye} {allergy|allergic reaction}) {affects|impacts|influences|has an effect on} the {thin|slim} {tissue|cells} ({{known|understood|recognized} as|referred to as|called} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] the conjunctiva) that covers the white {part|component} of the eye {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also} the {{insides|withins|ins} of|within} the eye {lids|covers}. There {were {insufficient|inadequate|not enough}|wanted} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {data|information} to {determine|identify|figure out|establish} {whether or not|whether} Altace was {equally|similarly|just as} {effective|efficient|reliable} in ethnic subgroups. Cytotec #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] is {intended|meant|planned} for {administration|management} {along with|together with|in addition to} nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory {drugs|medicines|medications}(NSAIDs), {including|consisting of} {aspirin|pain killers}, to {decrease|reduce|lower|minimize} the {chance|possibility|opportunity} of {developing|establishing|creating} an NSAID-induced {gastric|stomach|intestinal|abdominal} {ulcer|abscess}. It is #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {also|likewise|additionally} {used|utilized|made use of} {{together|with each other} with|along with} antidepressant {medications|medicines|drugs} to {treat|deal with} {major|significant} depressive {disorder|condition|ailment|problem} in {adults|grownups}. The following {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] are {considered|thought about|taken into consideration} {normal|typical|regular} as long as they {go away|disappear|vanish} {on their {own|very own}|by themselves|alone}: nosebleeds, {heartburn|pyrosis ( heartburn )|heartburn ( pyrosis )}, light {sensitivity|sensitiveness|level of sensitivity}, {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, {insomnia|sleep problems|sleeplessness|sleeping disorder|sleeping disorders|sleep loss}, {{numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}, burning, or tingling|{numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}, tingling, or burning|burning, {numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}, or tingling|burning, tingling, or {numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}|tingling, {numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}, or burning|tingling, burning, or {numbness|pins and needles|tingling|feeling numb}}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, {muscle|muscular tissue} {aches|pains}, flushing, and some {changes|modifications|adjustments} in {color|shade} {vision|eyesight}. You {will|will certainly} {have to|need to} {discuss|talk about|go over|review} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {medical|clinical|health care} {issues|problems|concerns} you have, {especially|particularly|specifically} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] if you skin is {affected|impacted|influenced|had an effect on}, {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also} {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other}|other} {drugs|medicines} you are {using|utilizing|making use of}. The {duration|period} of {pain|discomfort} {and|and also|as well as} {new|brand-new} {lesion|sore} {formation|development|buildup} was {decreased|reduced|lowered|minimized} in some {patient|client|person|individual} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {groups|teams}. The {effects|results|impacts} of Renagel on {labor|work|effort} {and|and also|as well as} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {delivery|shipment|shipping|distribution} in {humans|people|human beings} are not {known|understood|recognized}. <>See|View} NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY (13. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {{talk|speak|chat} to|speak with|speak to|talk with|get in touch with} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {before|prior to} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} {can|could} be {started|begun}. There is no {difference|distinction} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] in {effectiveness|efficiency|performance} {as {far|much} as|as for} I {can|could} {tell|inform} {between|in between} the {brand|brand name} {and|and also|as well as} Silagra. COZAAR {may|might|could} be {administered|provided|carried out} with {insulin|the hormone insulin} {and|and also|as well as} {other|various other} {commonly|typically|frequently|generally} {used|utilized|made use of} hypoglycemic {agents|representatives|brokers} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] (e. g. sulfonylureas, glitazones {and|and also|as well as} glucosidase {inhibitors|preventions}).

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